星期六, 4月 30, 2011

Selection of Latin roots

Below is a selection of Latin roots that should help you win at Scrabble, ace Grad School Boards, and look like an erudite poser at cocktail parties.

Latin Root(s)
Example(s) of Root(s)
acerbus, acris, acuere sharp, to sharpen, needle, bitter acerbate, acupuncture, acuity, acrimony
aequare to make equal, even equivocate, adequate, equilibrium
aevum agecoeval, medieval
ager, agri, agro fieldagrestic, agronomy
agere, actum, agitare to act, to doagility, react, agitate
alius other, else alias, alienate
alter other altercation, adulterate
altus high altimeter, exaltation, alto
ambulare to walk, to go preamble, ambulatory
amare, amor, amatum, amicus to love, love, friendamateur, amiable, enamored
anima life, soul, breath, mind animosity, inanimate, unanimous
annus year biennial, centennial, annual
apparere to come forth, be visible apparent, appearance, apparitor
aptare, aptus, apere to fit, suitable aptitude, adaptable, ineptitude
aqua water aqueous, aquarelle
arbiter judge arbitration, arbitrary
arbor tree arboretum, arboreal
ardere to burnarduous, ardor
artis art artifice, artifact, artisan
audire to hear audit, audible
augere to increase augmentation, augur, august
avis bird avionics, aviation, aviary, avian
beatus blessed, happy beatific, beatitude
bellare, bellum to wage war, war rebellious, bellicose
bene well benevolence, beneficent
bonus, bon good bonanza, bonny, bon voyage
brevis short, brief abbreviate, breviary
cadere fall recidivism, cascade, cadaver, decadent
caedere, cide to cut, kill incision, pesticide
canere, cantare, cantus to sing recant, chant, cantata
capere, captum, cip, cept to take, hold, contain capacious, incipient, intercept participate, capable, captive, conceive, precept
caput, capitis head cape, chapter, biceps, capital
carnis flesh carnal, carnival, incarnate, carnivore
cavare, cavus to make hollow cavernous, cavity, excavate
cedere, cessum to go, withdraw, move concession, recede, access
centrum center eccentric, concentric, concentrate
centum, centi hundred, tenth, ten percent, centimeter, centurion
cernere, certus to see as being different, to sift, distinguish discern, secret, certitude
civis, civilis citizen, community civic, city, civility
clamare, clamor to shout, cry out acclaim, clear, to make clear reclamation clarare, clarus, clarify, clarity, declaration, claret
claudere, clausum to shut, close recluse, cloister, enclosure, conclusion
clemens mild, merciful clemency, inclement
clinare to lean, slope clinometer, incline
colare to strain, filter portcullis, percolate, colander
colere, cultus to till, care, cultivate cultivation, culture, cult
coquere, coctum to cook, to mature precocious, concoction, cook
cor, cordis heart courage, cordial, accord
corium skin, hide excoriate
corona crown corona, coronation, coronary
corpus body corporation, corporeal
credere, credens to believe, trust credentials, credit, incredible
crescere, cretum to grow crescendo, concretism, accretion, increase
crimen crime, offense criminology, incriminate
cruciare, crux, crucis to torture, cross excruciating, crusade, cruzeiro
culpare to blame, fault culpable, exculpate
cumulare to heap up cumulative, accumulate
curare, cura, curatus to take care of, concern curate, curious, manicure
currere, cursus, cour to run, go occur, precursor, concur, course
dens, dentis tooth denture, endodontia, dentifrice
deus, dei god deify, deity, deism
dexter, dextro right, right hand ambidextrous, dextrorotation
dicere, dictare to speak, say abdicate, indict
dignus worthy, fitting, suitable condign, dignitary
dirigere, directus to direct dirge, dirigible, address-- -- -- -- --see "regere" below
docere, doctum to teach document, docent, doctrine
dominuslord, master danger, domineer
domus a dwelling, home domesticity, major-domo
donare, do to give, to forgive condone, donation, donor
dormire, dorm to sleep dormouse, dormitory
ducere, ductum to lead, take, bring abduct, seduction, conducive, duke, education
durare, durus to harden, hard obdurate, duress
errare, erratum to wander, go astray aberration, err, erratic
fabula story confabulate, fable, fabulous
facere, factum, fect, fic to make, to do manufacture, sufficient, facsimile
fallere to deceive, disappoint fallacious, infallible, fail
ferre, latum to bear, to carry relate, confer, referendum
ferrum iron ferrotype, ferric, ferrous
fervere to boil, glow, rage fervor, effervescent
fidere, fidelis, fides to trust, believe, faith perfidy, fiduciary, confidant
filius, filia son, daughter (respectively) filial, affiliation
finire, finis, fin to end, to limit infinity, finite, confinement
firmare to make firm, strengthen affirm, confirmation, firmament
figare, fixus to fasten, attach fixative, crucifix, suffix
flare, flatus blow deflate, inflation
flectere, flexus to bend flexible, deflection, inflection
fluere, fluxum, fluctus to flow confluence, fluid, effluvium, influx, flume
foedus, fed league confederacy, federation
fortis strong fort, comfort, fortify, force
frangere, fractum to break fraction, frangible, infringement
frater brother fraternal, fraternize
fugere, fugitum to flee centrifugal, fugue
fumus smoke fumitory, fumarole
fundere, fusum to pour refund, diffuse, profound
generare, genus1birth, origin, race, species, kind, to beget, producegenerous, generic, gentle, genre, engender, generation
gerere, gestum to carry, to bear belligerent, gesture, digest, gestation
glomerare to form into a ball conglomeration, glomerulus
gnoscere, cognoscere, gnarus, cognitumto know incognito, cognition, ignorant, gnostic
gradi, gressus, gradus to step, to walk, a degree progress, graduate, centigrade
granum, grani seed, kernel granary, granule
gratia, gratusagreeable, favor, thankscongratulate, gratitude, grace
gravare, gravisto weigh down, heavyaggravate, gravamen, gravid, grief
grex, gregis, gregarflock, herd, to gather into a flocksegregate, congregation gregarious
habere, habitumto have, holdhabit, inhibit
haerereto stickcoherence, adhere
herbagrass, herbherbivorous, herbaceous
hilarare, hilaristo gladden, merryhilarious, exhilarate
homomanhomicidal, hominize
horrereto shudder, terriblehorrendous, abhor
hospesguest, hosthospice, hostage, hostess
ire, itum, itineristo go, journey, walkitinerant, transit, initiate
jacere, ject, jactum2to lie, cast oneself down, to throwreject, adjacent, eject
jicere2to throw between interjection
judex, judicarejudgejudicious, prejudice, judge
jungere, junctumto joinconjugal, junction, joint
jus, juris, jurarelaw, right, to swearjurisprudence, abjure, perjury, juror, injury, justify
juvenisyoungrejuvenate, juvenescent
laborareto workcollaborate, elaborate, laboratory
lacto, lactmilklacteal, lactose
lapisstonelapis lazuli, lapidate
latussidelateral, bilateral, collateral
laudare, laudatumto praise, glorylaudable, allow
lavareto washlavender, laver, lavish, lavabo
laxareto loosen, widenrelax, laxity
legere, lectum3to read, choose, gatherelegant, elite, collect, dialect, legend, select, election,neglect
lex, legis, legalis3lawprivelege, illegitimate, legislature, lex non scripta, legal
liberbooklibel, libretto
liberfreelibertine, deliberate, liberal
ligareto bindallegiance, ally, oblige, ligature
linguatongue, languagelinguistics, lingual, language
litteraletterobliterate, literature, letter, literati
locare, locusto place, placedislocate, allocate, local
loqui, locutusspeak, talksoliloquy, loquacious, circumlocution
lucere, lux, lucis, lumento shine, lighttranslucent, Lucifer, luminous
ludere, lusum, ludusto play, to mockillusion, interlude, ludicrous
lunamoonlunate, lunatic, lunation, lunula
magnus, magnagreatmagnanimous, Magna Carta
malus, malbad, evil, wrongmalevolent, malfeasance, grand mal
mandare, mandoto order, to commandmandate, commandment, mandarin
manus, mani, manhandemancipate, manifest, manumit
mareseamariner, aquamarine, mare
matermotheralma mater, maternity
mecarito trade, buymerchant, market
medius, mediomiddlemedieval, intermediary
mensmindmention, mentation
migrareto move from one place to anothermigratory, emigrant
militareto serve as soldiersdemilitarize, militia
millethousandmillennium, millivolt
minimus, minorleast, smallminimal, minimize, minute
mirare, miror, mirarito look at, to wonder at miracle, mirage, admiral
mittere, missumto send, let, goemissary, remit, admittance, commissary
monere, monitusto warnmonitor, admonition
morbusdiseasemorbid, morbilli
mordere, morsunto bitemorsel, remorse, mordacious
morismanners, customsmorality, mores
mors, mortis, morideather, to diepost-mortem, mortgage, mortmain
movere, motusto movelocomotive, motion, motor
multusmuch, manymultiply, multimedia
mutare, mutatumto changemolt, mutation
nascor, natusto bear, to bornnative, prenatal, nature, renaissance
negare, negatusto denynegation, abnegate
nihilnothingannihilate, nil
nocereto harm, injureinnocent, innocuous, obnoxious
nominare, nomen, noministo name, namenominate, misnomer, nomenclature
normarulenormative, enormity
notareto mark, notenotation, notary, connotation
novusnewrenovate, novice, nova
nox, noctnightequinox, noctuid
nullusnoneannul, nullifidian
numerusnumberenumerate, supernumerary, numerology
nuntiare, nuntiusto report, tell, messengernuncio, renounce
oculuseyemonocle, binocular
opus, operariwork, to workmagnum opus, opera, operative
parare, par, parito make equal, equaldisparate, parity, peer
passus, patisufferpatient, passive
paterfatherpaternoster, patronize
pax, pacispeacepacific, appease
pedis, pesfootexpedition, pedicel
pellere, pulsusto drive, drivencompel, expel, propellant, pulsate
pendere, pensare, pendulusto weigh, hang, weightimpending, compendium, appendage, expenditure
petereto rush at, seekimpetuous, petulant, petition
placare, placidus, placereto soother, gentle, to pleaseplacate, implacable, placebo, please
plaudere, plauseumto clap, applaudplaudit, implode
plenusfullplenipotentiary, replenish, plenty
plere, pletumto fillexpletive, replete
plicare, plicatum, plicit, plyto foldreply, implicate, complicate, explicate, plait
plus, plurismorepluriaxial, plurality, surplus
ponere, positumto placeposition, opposite, depot
populuspeoplepopularity, populace
portare, portto carryportage, export
portioshare, portionapportion, proportion
potens, potentispowerfulpotentate, potentiometer
prehendere, prehensumto seize, take holdapprentice, reprehensible
pressuspressed downdepress, oppress, impress
pretiare, precto valuedepreciation, precious, price
primus, primatisfirstprimordial, prima facie
privareseparate, peculiarprivilege, deprive
probare, probatumto prove, testprobation, prove
proximusnearestapproximate, proximity
pugil, pugnareboxer, to fightrepugnant, pugilist

to clean purge, purgatory, expurgation
putare to think, estimate computer, reputation
quaerere, quaesitus to ask, seek exquisite, inquisition, conquer, quest
radiusrayradiation, radian
radixrootradicle, radical, eradicate
rapereto seizerapture, surreptitious, usurp, ravish
ratusfixed by calculationreason, ration
regere, rectus4 right, to make straighterect, rectitude, rectus
regere, rex, regis4 to rule, kingregency, regal, corrigible, regimen, direct, rule, regular
ridere, risumto laughderision, redicule
rogare, rogatumto askarrogance, rogation, interrogate
rotare, rotatus, rotato turn, wheel, turnedrotation, rotary, rotor
rumpere, ruptusto break, brokenrupture, interrupt
sacer, sacrare5holy, to make holyconsecrate, sacrifice, sacrarium
sagax, sagacis, saparewise, to taste, knowsage, sagacious, sapient
salsaltsalimeter, saline
salire, saltumto leap, jumpsally, saltatory, resile, result
salvareto savesave, salvation, salvage
sanctus5holysanctity, sanctuary, sacrosanct
sanguisbloodsangria, sanguine, consanguinity
sanitas, sanatoriushealth, healthysanitation, sanitarium
satis, satiareenough, to fill fullsated, insatiable, satisfaction
scandereto climbascend, descendant, ascension
scire, sciensto know, knowingomniscient, science
scribere, scriptto write, the thing writtendescribe, subscription, scribe
secare, sectto cutintersection, secateurs
sedere, sessto sitsediment, sedan, session, president
seminare, semento sow, seedseminal, disseminate, seminary
sentire, sensumto feel, perceiveconsent, sensible, sentient
sepsisputrefaction, poisonseptic, septicemia, aseptic
sequens, sequito follow, followingprosecute, second, sequential, pursue, non sequitur
signare, signumto mark outassignation, consignment
similare, simulareto make like, to feignsimilar, facsimile, simulation, assimilate
socius, sociarecompanion, to joinsocial, society, association
solsunsolar, solstice
solare, solusto make lonely, alonesolo, solitary
solvere, solutumto loosesolvent, dissolute, soluble
somnussleepsomnolent, somniloquy
sonussounddissonance, unison, sonorous
sors, sortislot, a sharesort, consortium
specere, spectum, spicto look at, seeperspicacity, specify, spectacle, retrospect, prospect, perspective
spirareto breathespirit, aspirator, expire, inspiration, respiration, aspire
spondere, sponsusto pledge, promisespouse, correspondence
stare, stet, statto standstable, establish, statue, superstition, distant
stellare, stellato shine, starconstellation, stelliferous
stringere, strictumbind, draw tightastringent, constriction, strict
struere, structusbuild, arrange, pile upmisconstrue, instruct, instrument
surgere, surrectionto rise, riseninsurgency, resurrection
tangere, tactusto touchtangent, tactual
tegere, tectusto cover, coveredintegument, detection, protect
temperare, tempustimetense, contemporize, temper
tendere, tentto stretch, strain, thinpretentious, tenuous, contend, tend, tense
tenere, tainto holdpertain, abstinence, tenacious, tenant
tentare, tentto touch, trytentacle, tentatively
terminuslimit, end, boundarydetermine, terminator
terraearthterra firma, terrace
torquere, tortumto twist, twistedcontortionist, extort, torsion, torque
tradereto deliverextradite, tradition, treason
trahere, tractto draw, drawnsubtract, tractable, protract
tribuere, tributus, tribusto assign, allot, paytributary, attribute, distribute
trudere, trususto thrust, thrustintrusion, protrusile
toxicare, toxicumto smear with poisontoxic, toxoplasmosis, toxicology
tumereto swelltumescence, tumult, contumelious
turbare, turbato disturbperturb, turbid
unus, unioneunion, unipetalous
urbs, urbanuscityexurb, urbanologist
vacare, vacuusto be empty, emptyvacuity, vacuous, evacuate
vagarito wanderextravagant, vagaries
valere, validumto be strong, to have worthvalor, valid, evaluate
velle, volenswish, willingvolition, velleity
verbumwordproverb, verbatim
venire, ventumto comerevenue, convention, advent, contravene
vertere, versumto turn, change, inclinevertigo, verse, introvert, versatile, anniversary
verily, verify, very
vestireto dressvestment, divest, investiture
viawaypervious, viaticum
videre, visumsee, look, provideprovident, visible, supervise
vincereto overcome, conquerinvincible, convince, victor
violare, violatusto violateviolation, inviolate
virmantriumvirate, virago
vitalifevitality, vitamin
vivere, vitato live, liferevive, viviparous, vonvivial
vocare, vocatum, voxto call, voicevociferous, convocation, irrevocable, revoke
volvere, volutumturninvolve, revolt, devolve
vorareto devourvoracious, carnivore, omnivorous

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