字彙 詞類 註解
sack verb/noun
sacrifice verb/noun
sadden verb
safely adv.
sailing noun
sake noun
salary noun
salesperson noun
salty adj.
sanction noun/verb
satellite noun/adj.
satisfaction noun
satisfactory adj.
sauce noun
sausage noun
saving noun
saw noun/verb 鋸(子)
saying noun
scan verb/noun
scarce adj.
scarcely adv.
scare verb/noun
scary adj.
scatter verb/noun
scenery noun
schedule noun/verb
scheme noun/verb
scholar noun
scholarship noun
schoolboy noun/adj.
schoolmate noun
scientific adj.
scissors noun
scold verb
scoop verb/noun/adj.
字彙 詞類 註解
scout noun
scratch verb/noun
scream verb/noun
screw verb/noun/adj.
scrub verb/noun
sculpture noun
seafood noun
seagull noun = gull
seal verb/noun
seaside noun
season verb 調味
secondary adj.
second-hand adj./adv.
sector noun
secure verb/adj.
security noun
seize verb
selection noun
self noun
senior adj./noun
sensible adj.
sensitive adj.
sentence noun 句子
sentence noun/verb 審判
separation noun
series noun
session noun/adj.
settle verb
settlement noun
settler noun
set-up noun
severe adj.
sew verb
sex noun
sexual adj.
字彙 詞類 註解
sexy adj.
shade noun/verb
shadow noun/verb/adj.
shady adj.
shallow adj.
shame noun/verb
shameful adj.
shampoo noun/verb
sharpen verb
shave verb
shaver noun
shell noun
shelter noun/verb
shepherd noun/verb
shift verb/noun
shiny adj.
shopkeeper noun
shopping noun
shortage noun
shortcoming noun
shortcut noun
shorten verb
shortly adv.
shorts noun
short-sighted adj.
shovel noun/verb
shrink verb/noun
shrug verb/noun
shuttle noun/verb
sickness noun
sigh verb/noun
sightseeing noun
signal noun/verb/adj.
signature noun
significance noun
字彙 詞類 註解
significant adj.
silk noun
similarity noun
simplify verb
sin noun/verb
sincerely adv.
Singaporean adj./noun
singing noun
singular adj.
sip verb/noun
site noun
situation noun
skating noun
sketch noun/verb
skiing noun
skim verb/noun
skip verb/noun
skyscraper noun
slang noun
slave noun/verb
slavery noun
sleeve noun
slice noun/verb
slight adj./verb/noun
slightly adv.
slippery adj.
slogan noun
slope noun/verb
smog noun
smoking noun/adj.
smoky adj.
smooth adj./verb
snap verb/adj./noun
sneak verb
sneeze verb/noun
字彙 詞類 註解
snowman noun
sob verb/noun
sociable adj.
socket noun
softball noun
software noun
soil noun/verb
solar adj.
solid adj./noun
somehow adv.
sometime adv./adj.
somewhat adv.
sorrow noun
sound adj. 健康的,狀況良好的
south-east noun/adv./adj.
south-west noun/adv./adj.
souvenir noun
sow verb/noun
soybean noun soya bean/soy
spacecraft noun
spade noun
spare adj./verb/noun
spark noun/verb
sparkle verb/noun
sparrow noun
spear noun/verb
specialized adj.
species noun
specific adj.
spectator noun
spell noun 咒語
spice noun/verb
spicy adj.
spill verb/noun
spin verb/noun
字彙 詞類 註解
spinach noun
spiritual adj.
spit verb/noun
spite noun
splash verb/noun
splendid adj.
split verb/noun/adj.
spoil verb/noun
spokesman noun
sponsor verb/noun
sportsman noun
sportsmanship noun
spray noun/verb
sprinkle verb/noun
spy noun/adj./verb
squeeze verb/noun
squirrel noun
stab verb/noun
stable adj. 穩定的
stable noun 馬房
stadium noun
staff noun/verb
staircase noun
stake noun/verb
stare verb/noun
starvation noun
starve verb
state noun/verb/adj.
state verb 陳述,宣佈
statement noun
statue noun
status noun
steady adj./verb
steel noun/verb
steep adj. 陡峭的
字彙 詞類 註解
steer verb/noun
stem verb/noun
stepfather noun
stepmother noun
stereo adj./noun
sticky adj.
stiff adj./adv.
stimulate verb
sting verb/noun
stir verb/noun
stitch noun/verb
stock noun/verb/adj.
stocking noun
stool noun
storey noun = story (American English) 樓層
storyteller noun
strategy noun
strength noun
strengthen verb
stretch verb/noun/adj.
strict adj.
string noun/verb
strip noun/verb
strive verb
stroke noun/verb
structure noun/verb
stubborn adj.
studio noun
stuff noun/verb
subject adj./verb 統治,使服從;隸屬的 (P)
submarine noun/adj.
substance noun
substitute noun/verb
subtract verb
suburb noun
字彙 詞類 註解
suck verb
suffer verb
suffering noun
sufficient adj.
suggestion noun
suicide noun
suitable adj.
suitcase noun
sum noun/verb
summarize verb
summary noun
summit noun
sunbathe verb
sunlight noun
sunrise noun
sunset noun
superb adj.
superior adj./noun
supervisor noun
supporter noun
suppose verb
supposed aux. be supposed to (P)
supposed adj. (P)
supreme adj.
surely adv.
surfing noun
surgeon noun
surgery noun
surrender verb/noun
surround verb/noun
surroundings noun
survey noun/verb
survival noun
survivor noun
suspect verb/noun/adj.
字彙 詞類 註解
suspend verb
suspension noun
suspicion noun
suspicious adj.
swear verb
sweat noun/verb
swell verb/noun
swift adj./noun
swimming noun
switch verb/noun
sword noun
syllable noun
symbolize verb
sympathetic adj.
sympathize verb
sympathy noun
symphony noun
symptom noun
syrup noun
systematic adj.